Arena Football : Live free or Die

[The Breakdown]
So this is Part I, even though it takes place after Part II, who knows when that will be up. Go Here to read the rest, with insight from The Staleness.
So we ended up having really good seats, Section 109 Row D seats 7-14. Only cost like 45 dollars a ticket as well. When we first walked in, our tickets got ripped and we were handed "Touchdown Towels", I somehow ended up with three, oops.The easiest way to describe Arena Football that I can think of is, Football on a hockey rink, minus the ice. People getting tackled over the boards. Good stuff.
The first half I kind of felt bad for the Kicker for Manchester as he missed every extra point he attempted. Yet on kickoff (a 50 yard kick) he split the uprights. So during halftime there was some sort of "game" where people were throwing little footballs on the field, Russ bought some. Kind of like a raffle, each ball had a number on it. I threw one, guess which one won. So Russ ended up with a fifty dollar gift certificate to a jewlery store, as payment he bought me a football, Huzzah. The second half went much like the first. Only this time the kicker made all the extra points, hooray for Mr. No-Name number 20.
Score by Quarters 1 2 3 4
Albany Conquest 7 7 10 21 -45 Record: (2-1)
Manchester Wolves 12 12 14 21 -59 Record: (1-1)
[Jose] Since the Fresh Prince mentioned the actual game, I'll mention the pre game festivities. We spent much of the day at Russ' house, I slept a lot, Nick played guitar hero a lot. Not a bad game, except I was humming Crossroads in my sleep. We drove to Manchester around 6, and waited about 40 mins for the show to begin. The Albany team was introduced, and nobody noticed. Then, the lights went out, and the Manchester dance team rolled out on Harleys. Harley Davidson sponsors the team, so it made sense. However the team mascot rode a mini Kawasaki, go figure...
Up next was the national anthem, this week performed by a mariachi band, sort of. There were about 15 horn players wearing Elvis like jumpsuit and I think bell bottom pants. I'm guessing this was their first time playing this selection, since they screwed up 3 times. On their way out of the arena, the truck that lead the Harleys i, nearly ran them over.
[The Verdict]
[The Freshness] I found the game Muy Bueno, we are even discussing the possibility of purchasing season tickets next season.
[Jose] I had no idea how the game was played, but after seeing it live, I have new respect for the game, and the players. Muy Bueno, all around. and unlike Buffalo, we didn't get booed! yay
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