A Tuesday Two-Fer Part One

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So this started off the Double Feature. A small group of us went. Jose, myself, Josh, Rook and Alexis. The way I was looking at it is that we were all seeing this movie for all the "wrong reasons", granted what would be the right reason? Come on now the Hot Chick from Waiting is in it, in spandex through most of the movie. Yummy. Also found the best job ever, there is a person who sprays some adhesive stuff on the rear ends of the gymnasts so they do not get wedgies while performing...Awesome.
Overall I got what I expected out of the movie, not much. expecations were low and met. Not to say the movie is "mal" but I think saying it is "Bueno" would be wrong as well. It had it's moments of humor.
<Jose> As a film, Stick It is Muy Mala. However, if you want some nice eye candy, check it out. I'd say I got my 5 bucks worth.
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