Silent Hill * Spoilers ahead*

[The Breakdown]
So this was the second movie in the double that we had on this past Sunday. The movie started off real interesting with the main character Rose (Radha Mitchell) running around screaming looking fro her daughter in the middle of the night. Did I mention that she was wearing boy shorts and a sleeveless white shirt. I believe I just did. It was cold outside. Anyway, apparently her daughter Sharon sleep walks. Then upon awakening mutters something about Silent Hill.
After some investigation Rose finds out that Silent Hill is located somewhere in West Virginia. She plans to bring Sharon there to find out what is going on with her. Of course she does all this without the knowledge and support of her husband Christopher (Sean Bean). Rose stops at a gas station and finds out that her cards have been cancelled and meets a cop named Cybil (Laurie Holden) . A short while after leaving the gas station she notices blue lights behind her, she pulls off the road. Noticing the sign for Silent Hill that way she drives off. Some pursuit and a drive through a fence later, something runs across the road and causes Rose to lose control and crash.
When she awakens Sharon is gone, and the real mystery begins. For most of the movie I could not see why it was rated "R". Some language here and there, but nothing to bad. Then the big scene at the end in the church. My God, barbed wire is not supposed to go there.
<JOSE> I liked two things about this movie: Sean Bean ('cause he's the man). A very underrated actor, in my opinion. and Laurie Holden in a lot of leather, good stuff there. Other than that, it was another disappointing horror movie for me. Yeah, there is gore, but that just doesn't scare me anymore.
[The Verdict]
[The Freshness] Overall I would have to say this movie is Mal. Though it had it's moments. The only thing I found really good was the ending slaughter and the kind of cool way the movie itself ended. Not quite enough to receive a positive response.
<JOSE> Eh, this gets a mal Had a couple fo decent things, but not enough to save it.
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