A Tuesday Two-Fer Part Two

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So next up for the double was RV. The group changed slightly, still Jose, Josh and myself, one Doyle was replaced by another and Rook left to be replaced by HeDie.
So as far as seeing this movie went, I knew it was going to go one of two ways. Either it would be bad, which was my expectation, or it would be better than expectations. Fortunately it was the latter. A very funny movie all around. It was kind of amusing to see not one, but two actors from Arrested Development in it. After seeing it a few people have asked when we plan to do an RV trip, God help us. We have enough trouble with a minivan.
I am going to say this movie is Muy Bueno, much better than I thought it could be. If you like Robin Williams in family comedy then more than likely this movie will be right up your alley.
I really expected this to be crap, the while concept looked stupid. I'm glad I thought that way, as I was pleasantly surprised by this little flick. Robin Williams did great, and I felt his pain as he drove around with a bunch of noisy people. Jeff Daniels also did a great job as the weird head of the Gornicke family. RV get a Muy Bueno, check it out. Young and old alike will enjoy it.
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