Saturday, May 06, 2006

A Saturday Triple, Part Two

Click the pic for an IMDB synopsis, or go HERE for the Official Site.

The other day Jose and I decided that we were going to see Hard Candy today. It turned into a triple. Only Jose, Josh and myself made the journey.

Here is the second leg.

Having very little or no expectation going into this movie I found it to be quite enjoyable. Jimmy Buffet had a lot to do with this movie, he produced it, starred in it and did music for it as well. I also realized that Luke Wilson likes to do family films, well he has done a few, including My Dog Skip and Around the World in 80 Days. He was quite good in this.

If you like "feel good" family films, more than likely you will enjoy Hoot, give it a try.

<JOSE> I really had no interest in this, just not a fan of movies like these. For the first few minutes Hoot was on the border of being a Brokeback sequel. The main chrachter, Roy, becomes infatuated with a "barefoot" blond hair kid he sees every morning on the way to school. Umm... okay. Thank god for Luke Wilson because he saved this movie for me. Luke plays a local cop, he's not dumb, he's just not very good at his job, which can only lead to trouble. Hoot only got better from there and I enjoyed the rest of it.

Hoot gives you a nice mix of adult comedy, family goodness, pancakes, and golf lessons, to satisfy everyone. The little movie that could gets a Bueno.


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