A Saturday Triple, Part Three

Click the pic for a synopsis from IMDB or go HERE for the Official Site.
The other day Jose and I decided that we were going to see this movie today. It turned into a triple. Jose, Josh, Myself and an old friend named Zot made the journey.
Now we reach the conclusion.
I saw the trailer a while back and was intrigued. The title threw me off though, a very strange title. The plot was interesting, not many actors in the movie at all. I am still pondering how I feel about the movie. Some small annoyances though, when there is any action, the camera gets all crazy and frantic. It is definitely a "strong movie", as it kind of makes you think.
I think I will more than likely pick it up on DVD and have a double feature with that and Dee Snider's Strangeland. This movie will not be for everyone. I cannot cast the final vote as of right now, as I am still thinking about it.
<JOSE> Wow this movie was not what I was expecting. I saw the trailer ages ago and thought it was a "damsel in distress" flick., yeah...
The concept is disturbing since it probably happens everyday, and the opening scenes are just wrong. However, it's a very well done movie, stylish, and very dramatic. Fresh is right about one thing, it's not for everyone, but Im giving it a mild Bueno.
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