Mission Impossible III: As Seen On Tuesday 5/9

Click the pic for an IMDB synopsis or go HERE for the Official Site.
So let me first start off by saying I did not really care for the first one of this series, don't know why. I do enjoy the second one though, not because it is really a good story, but because it was done by John Woo and he blows up stuff very well. I had high hopes for this one as it was directed by J. J. Abrams, the guy who brought us Alias and Lost.
One of these days there will be a movie made that the person they make look like the bad guy is. I am sick of this "hey let's make it look like this guy the whole movie and then throw the curveball". Unfortunately I am expecting the curve. I need to be shocked once in a while, hopefully one day someone will do a "shock-worthy" movie. We shall see.
Overall I would say the movie is bueno. Some good action, unfortunatley highly predictable. Go see it anyway...
I'm a fan of spy movies, so I've enjoyed the first two Mission Impossibles. That being said, someone at Paramount needs to hire new screenwriters, or come up with some fresh ideas. All 3 MI flicks have the exact same plot:
1. Something needs to be stolen
2. There's a traitor within IMF
3. Someone close to Ethan Hunt gets caught in the middle.
The best parts in Mi:III are the scenes between Tom Cruise and Ving Rhames... priceless stuff. While I did enjoy some of it, I'm giving this movie a Mas o Menos. or as nick would say "meh". If there is one good thing about the whole franchise, it's that each movie looks completly different, and I like that.
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