X3: As Seen On 5/26/06

Click the Pic for an IMDB Synopsis or go HERE for the Official Site.
So let me start off by saying this. If you like the X-men movies as movies, then more than likely you will like the third installment. If you are a fan of the comics, more than likely you will hate the movie. I myself happen to be a fan of both, so I am in quite the quandary. With that being said I think the only way to really judge something is to see it, granted we all have our tastes as far as what we will or will not sit through. Try something new or continue in the thread of the rest. Let us know what you think....
Santa Maria, where to start? My biggest problem with this flick is they should have picked one plot, and done it well. Instead of throwing every story they could think of. There is way too much going on. Brian Synger left a great franchise on a great note. He set up X3, but the big heads at Fox forgot about it. Last Stand is the Batman and Robin of the franchise. No, it's nowhere as bad, but it is by far the weakest in the series. The one positive being Beast, great stuff there.
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