The Omen As Seen on 6/6/06

Click the Pic for an IMDB Synopsis or go HERE for the Official Site.
So both Jose and I saw this, just not together. First off, the show was sold out. Who was there you wonder? All sorts of dumb teenagers. People who were screaming for no reason, jumping at scenes that were in the trailer. Come on now. Anyway, I have not seen the original so I have nothing to compare it to. Someone that I saw it with has seen the original and said it is almost the exact same. I myself think the movie is Bueno, now take that as a barely though. It is a slow moving movie that does not warrant a "horror" genre, more a drama with some "scary" parts. See the original.
Just like Fresh, I have never seen the original Omen. People keep telling me it is quite good, so I might check it out. However, this Omen is just plain awful. There is nothing scary about it, Julia Stiles seems miscast, and the kid just stands there. The theatre was also packed with preteen girls who screamed if a character talked, it didn't matter what they said, the girls would scream. Save your money, go see something else.
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