Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Back Log

We and by we I mean me, have been slacking off of late. There are many updates that need to be done. We are at least five updates behind. We are in the process of working on them, thank you for bearing with us....

Friday, May 12, 2006

Mission Impossible III: As Seen On Tuesday 5/9

Click the pic for an IMDB synopsis or go HERE for the Official Site.

So let me first start off by saying I did not really care for the first one of this series, don't know why. I do enjoy the second one though, not because it is really a good story, but because it was done by John Woo and he blows up stuff very well. I had high hopes for this one as it was directed by J. J. Abrams, the guy who brought us Alias and Lost.

One of these days there will be a movie made that the person they make look like the bad guy is. I am sick of this "hey let's make it look like this guy the whole movie and then throw the curveball". Unfortunately I am expecting the curve. I need to be shocked once in a while, hopefully one day someone will do a "shock-worthy" movie. We shall see.

Overall I would say the movie is bueno. Some good action, unfortunatley highly predictable. Go see it anyway...

I'm a fan of spy movies, so I've enjoyed the first two Mission Impossibles. That being said, someone at Paramount needs to hire new screenwriters, or come up with some fresh ideas. All 3 MI flicks have the exact same plot:

1. Something needs to be stolen
2. There's a traitor within IMF
3. Someone close to Ethan Hunt gets caught in the middle.

The best parts in Mi:III are the scenes between Tom Cruise and Ving Rhames... priceless stuff. While I did enjoy some of it, I'm giving this movie a Mas o Menos. or as nick would say "meh". If there is one good thing about the whole franchise, it's that each movie looks completly different, and I like that.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

A Saturday Triple, Part Three

Click the pic for a synopsis from IMDB or go HERE for the Official Site.

The other day Jose and I decided that we were going to see this movie today. It turned into a triple. Jose, Josh, Myself and an old friend named Zot made the journey.

Now we reach the conclusion.

I saw the trailer a while back and was intrigued. The title threw me off though, a very strange title. The plot was interesting, not many actors in the movie at all. I am still pondering how I feel about the movie. Some small annoyances though, when there is any action, the camera gets all crazy and frantic. It is definitely a "strong movie", as it kind of makes you think.

I think I will more than likely pick it up on DVD and have a double feature with that and Dee Snider's Strangeland. This movie will not be for everyone. I cannot cast the final vote as of right now, as I am still thinking about it.

<JOSE> Wow this movie was not what I was expecting. I saw the trailer ages ago and thought it was a "damsel in distress" flick., yeah...
The concept is disturbing since it probably happens everyday, and the opening scenes are just wrong. However, it's a very well done movie, stylish, and very dramatic. Fresh is right about one thing, it's not for everyone, but Im giving it a mild Bueno.

A Saturday Triple, Part Two

Click the pic for an IMDB synopsis, or go HERE for the Official Site.

The other day Jose and I decided that we were going to see Hard Candy today. It turned into a triple. Only Jose, Josh and myself made the journey.

Here is the second leg.

Having very little or no expectation going into this movie I found it to be quite enjoyable. Jimmy Buffet had a lot to do with this movie, he produced it, starred in it and did music for it as well. I also realized that Luke Wilson likes to do family films, well he has done a few, including My Dog Skip and Around the World in 80 Days. He was quite good in this.

If you like "feel good" family films, more than likely you will enjoy Hoot, give it a try.

<JOSE> I really had no interest in this, just not a fan of movies like these. For the first few minutes Hoot was on the border of being a Brokeback sequel. The main chrachter, Roy, becomes infatuated with a "barefoot" blond hair kid he sees every morning on the way to school. Umm... okay. Thank god for Luke Wilson because he saved this movie for me. Luke plays a local cop, he's not dumb, he's just not very good at his job, which can only lead to trouble. Hoot only got better from there and I enjoyed the rest of it.

Hoot gives you a nice mix of adult comedy, family goodness, pancakes, and golf lessons, to satisfy everyone. The little movie that could gets a Bueno.

A Saturday Triple, Part One

For a synopsis from IMDB click the pic or go HERE for the Official Site.

The other day Jose and I decided that we were going to see Hard Candy today. It turned into a triple. Only Jose, Josh and myself made the journey.

Here is the first leg.

So this is just going to be a bash from me. The movie was not so good. It got really annoying in parts where it would go black and white for no reason. The music did not fit the scene. The plot was medicore at best, they could have done much better. Acting was meh, I am glad we started with this, as to get much worse would be hard.

If you want to see a good "true" ghost story see The Exorcism of Emily Rose, much better. This movie should be avoided almost as much as Cold Creek Manor.

<JOSE> ooof. Where to start? Oh right, the AMC Theatres at Boston Common are very nice, and also vey expensive. So if you decide to catch a flick there in the next few days, don't see An American Haunting. Going into it I wasn't expecting much, but I also was not expecting pure garbage. The story seems to drag for about an hour, and yes it's resolved in the end, but almost as if the produers thought it was running too long and it needed to be wrapped up, like now. blah, save your money.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

A Tuesday Two-Fer Part Two

Click the Pic for IMDB or go HERE for the Official Site.

So next up for the double was RV. The group changed slightly, still Jose, Josh and myself, one Doyle was replaced by another and Rook left to be replaced by HeDie.

So as far as seeing this movie went, I knew it was going to go one of two ways. Either it would be bad, which was my expectation, or it would be better than expectations. Fortunately it was the latter. A very funny movie all around. It was kind of amusing to see not one, but two actors from Arrested Development in it. After seeing it a few people have asked when we plan to do an RV trip, God help us. We have enough trouble with a minivan.

I am going to say this movie is Muy Bueno, much better than I thought it could be. If you like Robin Williams in family comedy then more than likely this movie will be right up your alley.

Hmmm.... I don't know if Hedie could handle an RV. I know I'd crash us into the woods. Might be fun to see John drive it...

I really expected this to be crap, the while concept looked stupid. I'm glad I thought that way, as I was pleasantly surprised by this little flick. Robin Williams did great, and I felt his pain as he drove around with a bunch of noisy people. Jeff Daniels also did a great job as the weird head of the Gornicke family. RV get a Muy Bueno, check it out. Young and old alike will enjoy it.

A Tuesday Two-Fer Part One

Click the pic for IMDB or go HERE to visit the Official Site.

So this started off the Double Feature. A small group of us went. Jose, myself, Josh, Rook and Alexis. The way I was looking at it is that we were all seeing this movie for all the "wrong reasons", granted what would be the right reason? Come on now the Hot Chick from Waiting is in it, in spandex through most of the movie. Yummy. Also found the best job ever, there is a person who sprays some adhesive stuff on the rear ends of the gymnasts so they do not get wedgies while performing...Awesome.

Overall I got what I expected out of the movie, not much. expecations were low and met. Not to say the movie is "mal" but I think saying it is "Bueno" would be wrong as well. It had it's moments of humor.

<Jose> As a film, Stick It is Muy Mala. However, if you want some nice eye candy, check it out. I'd say I got my 5 bucks worth.